Wind + Maglev = Holy Grail for Renewable Energy?

There are a few viable MAGLEV systems starting to crop up.  On e that seems to get contiually ignored is with distributors going up all over the country.  But today, we get THIS:


The Maglev Wind Turbine Power Plant contributes to the      reduction of pollution by eliminating our dependency of          fossil fueled power plants. Since carbon dioxide is absorbed  by trees, our Maglev Wind Turbine Power Plant can offset as much as 1,750,000 acres of forest. Another analogy used, is to equate the energy generated by our Power Plant to the amount generated by a barrel of oil. Maglev Wind Turbine Power Plant can generate the same amount of energy annually as 5,475,000 barrels of oil.

MAGLEV WIND TURBINE will offset emissions (pollution) from other regional sources of electricity. If we do not install our Power Plant and generate approximately 8.75 TWh of renewable energy annually, the same amount of energy generated from oil, coal or natural gas would create the following estimated emissions :


  • 8.7 Billion pounds of Carbon Dioxide
  • 18,000,000 pounds of Nitrogen Oxides
  • 50,400,000 pounds of Sulfur Dioxide
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